My name is Daniel Grundtvig
As a video producer, I believe that the best content comes from great chemistry and a positive atmosphere. My goal is to create stunning video content that not only captures your vision but also brings a smile to your face during the process.
Whether we’re shooting on the ground or in the air, I strive to ensure that every project is a fun and collaborative experience. Let's have an informal coffee chat to discuss how we can work together to bring your brand to life with engaging video content.
Josh Gajewski, Assistant Producer for Broadcast Television
Daniel is an incredibly fast working and highly skilled editor who always delivers to a high standard, hits the brief spot on and delivers well ahead of deadlines, would highly recommend working with him and hope to do so in the near future!
Roger Lodewick,
President Sports Games at EFG
Daniel was a conscientious and dedicated employee. He was prepared to accept more responsibility where necessary, acted independently and was committed to delivering his tasks and goals. Daniel distinguished himself by a very high level of customer orientation. He responded to their needs with high priority and in the interests of the company and putted effort into nurturing sustainable relationships.
Michael Henning Jensen, PR manager, Ubisoft.
Jeg har gennem mit arbejde efterhånden rigtig mange gange arbejdet sammen Daniel, hovedsageligt med han som journalist til de arrangement jeg inviteret ham til. jeg har dog altid været imponeret over hans arbejde og professionelle tilgang til sit arbejde. Jeg har derfor også benyttet ham i andre professionelle henseender, blandt andet til optagelser af interviews og større setups med live produktioner og optagelser til større præsentations produktioner. Professionel, glad, smilende og altid klar med input og forslag til gode visuelle løsninger. Det er altid en fornøjelse at arbejde med Daniel og en stor anbefaling her fra.
Karoline Tækker Lietzen, Viaplay Group
Daniel is a hard working, talented and extremely creative producer.
He always delivers on brief and comes up with innovative creative suggestions for each piece of work he does. Daniel does not do anything half-heartedly and I truly value working with him.
Lisa Dahlgren, Nordic PR manager, Bethesda
I worked indirectly with Daniel at Gamereactor and observed his high skill, loyal nature, hard work and team efforts first-hand. Daniel is an incredibly driven, competent, highly skilled individual who puts his work and company affiliation first. One of the hardest workers I've ever had the pleasure of working alongside of.
Mads Klestrup, Videographer & Editor
Daniel og jeg har arbejdet sammen i 3 år på Gamereactor og jeg har sat stor pris på ham som kollega.
Daniel er nok den mest målrettede person jeg har arbejdet med, og jeg er altid imponeret over hans entusiasme.
Jeg har haft æren af at arbejde sammen med ham både på kontor her i Denmark men også tage til events sammen i lande som Tyskland og USA. Uanset arbejdstilstanden har Daniel haft det samme gåpåmod, samt god arbejdsmoral.
Daniel er en sindsyg dygtig og hurtig klipper, og meget talentfuld videograf.